TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

Bowler Gilbert - 5/6/18


Our event this weekend was at Bowlero Gilbert! It has been quite a while since we have had an event at this center and we were really excited to be back. A big thanks to Brian Jackson and his effort with getting us into this bowling center. The bowlers love this center! It’s really nice, has a very cool layout with 28 lanes on one side and 16 on the other side. It’s an upscale venue with delicious food and a huge arcade. You could tell the bowlers were excited to have the event there as we had a 100+ entry turn out with only two squads of bowling! We averaged over 50 bowlers per squad for both squads! A huge thanks to the SFT AHT family for supporting the event and showing Bowlero Gilbert why they should have us back again!

The players bowled on a 43ft PBA Chameleon oil pattern that played pretty tough and had pretty low scores. The average cut score for the weekend was about +40 which mean that players had to bowl a little bit over average but not much. We had some parlay power players in Ben Spencer, Gary Hamm, and William Kegley. We also want to welcome all of our new bowlers to this weekends event. Jeffrie Sordyl, William Kegley, Jason Gaudin, Jeffrey O’Connor, Bill Parks, Benjamin Perry, Eddie Thompson, Chris Yukobowsky, and Cheniqua Johnson all joined us for their first SFT event this weekend! We hope you all had a great time!

The quarter finals didn’t have a re-oil because it was only a 2-squad event. Normally this means that the scores go up, but this time they still stayed pretty close to the same. The lanes never really seemed to open up a great deal. There was a bit of back and forth in some division, but it ended up with Gary Hamm and Mike Hodge as your two advancing players in the C Division. Brian Jackson and Josh Black  advanced in the B division, and James Roethle and Eric Flick advanced in the A division. The semi-final matches weren’t super exciting with most of the matches being decided before the 10th frame. Eric Flick advanced as the A division champion, Brian Jackson advanced as the B division champion and Mike Hodge the C Division champion.

The final match on the other hand was a great one! All three players had a very good chance of winning the event going into the 10th frame. It was pretty close the entire game as most players just made their spares and not too many of them struck much. Brian finished first and wasn’t able to double to put pressure on Eric or Mike and was going to finish 3rd unless they opened. Mike who had the highest handicap in the match at 39 pins, did as he did the entire game which was make his spares and stay out of trouble. This put all the pressure on Eric who needed to double in the 10th frame to win. He threw a great first shot, that got to pocket and struck! His second shot was another good one, and looked to be right on line, but unfortunately left a 7 pin (he is left handed) leaving him in 2nd place and giving Mike Hodge his first ever SFT AHT title and $900!

Thanks to everyone for coming out to this event and supporting it. We look forward to seeing you at our next event at AMF Deer Valley next Saturday! See you all there!