TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

Bowlero Gilbert

Bowlero Gilbert - 6/23/2024

We would be at Bowlero Gilbert this weekend for another 3-squad tournament. This would mark the first time we have been at this center in almost 6 years. We would see a great turnout with 136 total entries (101 qualifying with 35 parlays), with 35 cashers and a cash ratio of 1 in 3.88, paying out over $8,400 in main and side event prize funds. The players bowled on the 35ft PBA Cheetah (2023 version) which would see some lower scores on the fresh but would see bowlers adapt and scores would increase throughout the day. The difference between the old Cheetah pattern and the newer version was the amount of oil volume on the lane. The 2023 version would have a lot of oil and bowlers had to play straighter up the ditch to start, but once the lanes started to transition, we would see scores explode. Bowlers had to average about 10-15 pins per game in order to advance.

Bowlero Gilbert - 9/16/18

Our event this weekend was at Bowlero Gilbert!  We don’t get too many chances to hold events at this bowling center and we were really excited to be back.  This bowling center is really nice, has a very cool layout with 28 lanes on one side and 16 on the other side. It’s an upscale venue with delicious food and a huge arcade.  We had a pretty good turnout with 77 total entries (53 qualifying and 24 parlay), 26 total cashers and a 1 in 3 cash ratio and paid out over $4,200 for only two squads of bowling! We averaged about 40 bowlers per squad for both squads! A huge thanks to the SFT AHT family for supporting the event and showing Bowlero Gilbert why they should keep having back!

Bowler Gilbert - 5/6/18

Our event this weekend was at Bowlero Gilbert! It has been quite a while since we have had an event at this center and we were really excited to be back. A big thanks to Brian Jackson and his effort with getting us into this bowling center. The bowlers love this center! It’s really nice, has a very cool layout with 28 lanes on one side and 16 on the other side. It’s an upscale venue with delicious food and a huge arcade. You could tell the bowlers were excited to have the event there as we had a 100+ entry turn out with only two squads of bowling! We averaged over 50 bowlers per squad for both squads! A huge thanks to the SFT AHT family for supporting the event and showing Bowlero Gilbert why they should have us back again!