TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

AMF McRay Results - 6/7/15


Our event at AMF McRay lanes drew 60 entries, had 16 cashers, a 1 in 3.75 cash ratio and paid out over $3,000.00 in main and side event prizes. The players bowled on the 40ft Kegel Highway To Hell pattern that proved to be very difficult. It created some of the lowest scoring that we have seen in quite a long time. There were many players that didn’t think they made the cut, and made the cut easily because the scores were so low. Most of the cut scores throughout the tournament had players bowling below average and making the cut still. The average cut score was around +60 for all of the divisions and the quarter finals. One thing was for sure, the players that had an advantage were those that were good spare shooters. They were able to minimize the difficulty of striking.

We want to welcome Jason Tunay to the SFT AHT family, and hope he had a good time. We want to congratulate James Roethle on being our only Economy Parlay power player, and advancing to the quarter finals with only a $25 entry fee. Also, congrats to Don Kneifel, Brandon Pretlove, and Chris Hawkins on advancing to their first ever quarter finals. These are two stats that we continue to always have, and that is great news. We are always seeing new faces having success and people having success with an affordable $25 option.

The final match was one of the closest ones we have had in a long time. It was one of the first times that all three players already had a title before and were looking for another. However, the player that only had one title ended up bringing home the title. Brian Roever defeated Dylan Taylor and Ted McKay 225 to 217 and 212. Ted really had the match in hand but a couple missed single pin spares were the big difference maker, and then Dylan who had a chance to double in the 10th to win, was unable to do so, which gave Brian Roever the win.

Congrats to everyone and we look forward to seeing everyone at our very first one day that will guarantee $1,000.00 for first regardless of entries. That will be at Brunswick Zone Mesa, on Sunday only! See you all there!

Final Match: 

SFT AHT Minor - AMF McRay