TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

Glenfair Lanes

Glenfair Lanes - 5/30/16

What a weekend! The support you all show to compete in our events shines through during events like this one. THANK YOU ALL for making this 3-day weekend action packed from the first squad to the final match.The event as a whole drew 228 total entries (166 Qualifying & 62 Economy Parlay), had 54 cashers, a 1 in 4.2 cash ratio and paid out over $11,000.00 in main and side event prizefund.The pattern that was put out was the USBC Nationals Singles & Doubles pattern and it was challenging to say the least, although the most difficult was on fresh conditions. Out of bounds towards the gutters, with jumpy back ends required smooth rolling bowling balls that didnt want to over react on the backend. As the oil pattern broke down and "opened up," it allowed bowlers to move left and keep their breakpoints around 9-10 board.

Glenfair Results 11/15/15

 Our event was at Glenfair Lanes this Sunday. We had 51 entries (15 economy parlay entries and 36 qualifying entries), 16 cashers, a 1 in 3.18 cash ratio and paid out over $2,000.00 in main and side event prizefund. The pattern for this event was the 35ft Cheetah oil pattern, which is normally a high scoring pattern, but this Sunday it wasn't. Also, oddly enough, the A division had the highest cut scores, which is also uncommon. The average cut score for the event was around +60/+70, but the A division took +117 to advance to the quarter finals. Most of the players that scored well played near the gutter in some way, as the middle of the lane was very dry. 

Glenfair Lanes Results - 9/13/15

Our event this weekend was at Glenfair Lanes this Sunday. We had 52 total entries (32 qualifying entries and 20 economy parlay), 13 cashers, a 1 in 4 cash ratio and paid out over $2,000.00 in main and side event prize fund. The players bowled on the Kegel Route 66 oil pattern which tends to have medium to high scoring at Glenfair Lanes. The players were happy to have something a little easier after battling each other on the brutal Alcatraz pattern last weekend. This pattern is long, but on the high friction lane surface at Glenfair lanes it plays quite a bit dryer and allows straighter players to still do well, even though it is a longer oil pattern.

Glenfair Lanes Results - 10/12/14

We had a great weekend at Glenfair lanes to start off the 4th and final quarterly circuit. The event drew 116 entries, had 30 cashers, a 1 in 3.8 cash ratio and paid out nearly $4,500.00 in main and side event prize fund. We are starting to see a huge increase in Economy Parlay entries every weekend. We will see if the trend continues but it seems that people are really starting to see the value in the side event and the potential of turning $25 into a $1,000.00. This weekend nearly half of the 116 entries were Economy Parlay entries. That is an outstanding number and we are glad that the new feature that didn’t exist in the previous SFT charter is starting to catch on.

Glenfair Lanes Results - 3/22/15

We had another fun and exciting event this weekend at Glenfair Lanes. There were a lot of other events going on this weekend so the turnout was a little lower than usual, but that didn’t stop us from having a great time! The event drew 65 entries (42 qualifying entries and 23 economy parlay), had 18 cashers a 1 in 3.5 cash ratio and paid out over $3,000.00 in main and side event prizes! The players bowled on a 45ft Kegel Route 66 pattern that proved to have fairly medium scoring. Most people could not play further out and the longer pattern forced people to play closer to third arrow. Straighter players could still do well, but they had to be straight at third arrow instead of first arrow. It was hard to argue that the lefties didn’t have good reaction since we had an all lefty final match!