TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

Glenfair Lanes Results - 3/22/15

We had another fun and exciting event this weekend at Glenfair Lanes. There were a lot of other events going on this weekend so the turnout was a little lower than usual, but that didn’t stop us from having a great time! The event drew 65 entries (42 qualifying entries and 23 economy parlay), had 18 cashers a 1 in 3.5 cash ratio and paid out over $3,000.00 in main and side event prizes! The players bowled on a 45ft Kegel Route 66 pattern that proved to have fairly medium scoring. Most people could not play further out and the longer pattern forced people to play closer to third arrow. Straighter players could still do well, but they had to be straight at third arrow instead of first arrow. It was hard to argue that the lefties didn’t have good reaction since we had an all lefty final match!
Although we had a smaller turn out, we still had a bunch of new bowlers! We would like to welcome David Foy, Scott Ashley, Marvin Randle, and Charles Lawton to the ever expanding SFT AHT family. We hope you all had a good time and can’t wait to see you again at your next event! We also want to congratulate David Mortensen on a very happy birthday and on making his very first SFT AHT quarter finals in one of the most interesting ways we have ever seen. I’m sure you would like to hear the story right?

Well, we had brand new bowler David Foy who filled out his membership form and made an honest mistake leaving part of the form blank with the understandable assumption that we could look it up on bowl.com. We looked up Dave’s average and he only had one, a 136. Based on our entering average rule, this was his entering average. He bowled a +106, which wasn’t a huge score, but ended up advancing to the quarter finals. When Dave checks in for the quarter finals, he tells us that he doesn’t think his average was correct and wanted to make sure before he proceeded into the cashing round. He tells us about his current league average of 185, and that he figured that it would also be on bowl.com.

Needless to say, this changed his entering average to 158 which would have eliminated him from the cut. While it was painful to remove such an honest and nice guy from the quarter finals round, it was what had to be done, he hadn’t filled out the membership form correctly. However, the next step was figuring out who would of made it, if his average was correct. That player was David Mortensen, who after waiting for the final cuts to be announced had already left. We had found out about Mr. Foy’s average right before the start of the quarter final round. We left it open to the quarter finalists to vote and decide if they would wait for David to return since he had understandably left. The majority voted to wait the 15 minutes for him to return, and Dave couldn’t have been any more appreciative. He was able to bowl in his very first SFT AHT quarter finals on his birthday!
David ended up making it all the way to the semi-final match, which made everyone quickly think he was going to be that awesome story and take it all the way. However, he had to bowl his best friend, Jimmy Brewer, who was the one to call him and get him to come back. While there was love from both of them for their friend to advance, it was still a stiff competition, but Jimmy was able to defeat David and earn his very first C division title. Ben Spencer defeated John Jones in a very close match to win the A division, and Hokey Begay left 8 pins in the fill to lose to Agham Mejia in an incredible match that was a nail biter.
The final match seemed like it was going to be a good one. We had all three lefties defeat the righties in the previous matches for an all lefty final match. However, it was clear that after over 50 tournaments bowled, and a handful of title matches, Ben Spencer was ready to win his first title. Not only was he ready, he didn’t even let the competitors breathe. He had one of the most impressive title match performances we have seen. It ranked up there with Mike Morales’s performance at Brunswick Zone Mesa. Ben bowled his highest game of the tournament, a 268, and cruised to his very first title and $600! He was also using a Track Lx10 which he wouldn’t quit raving about! Great bowling Ben!
We look forward to seeing you all next weekend at Riverside Lanes and Resort in Laughlin, NV! We are hoping to have a great turn out and a lot of fun! See you all there!
Final Match: 

SFT AHT Minor - Glenfair Lanes