TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

AMF Mesa

AMF Mesa - 5/7/17

Our event this weekend was at AMF Mesa and featured the 40 frame game format! This format is a lot of fun, as each frame is something different and includes things like mulligans, no-tap scoring, “payday” frames and the dreaded sour grapes frames. This event had a great turn out with 64 entries! Not only does this format do well normally, but the fun events being worth season points has had a huge impact on the turn out as well. A couple high cashes in the fun events can still impact the season points races quite a bit.

Of the 64 entries there were 16 cashers in the main event and many people cashing in the pay day frames. A big congrats to Brooke Carroll, Ron Gonzales, Tom Large, and Eric Flick on winning the clutch money today in the bingo, bango, bongo! These players had to strike out in the 40th frame to take home over $100 each. There isn’t anything quite like throwing strikes when you know you need them!

AMF Mesa Results - 05/05/2013

Another incredibly fun weekend with the SFT family! We had more story lines this week then we could handle! There were 89 entries, 23 cashers, a 1 in 3.8 cash ratio and over $3,500.00 paid out for this weekend’s event at AMF Mesa. The bowlers bowled on a 42ft modified house that was one of the easiest patterns we have ever bowled on. It was very similar to a house shot but with a bit more oil. The scores all weekend were HUGE! We had a +177 for 2 games by Hokey Begay! A 300 game by Scott Sparks, which was his first USBC sanctioned 300 game. Also Susan O’Hara bowled her highest scratch game ever of 257 in the process of a +134 series. Dylan Taylor had the highest 3 game series with handicap of +211! Mike Bohe made a huge return back to the SFT AHT with the highest 3 game scratch series of 759! Great bowling to all of you! It’s always fun and exciting to have an event from time to time on easier conditions.

AMF Mesa Results - 10/14/2012

This weekend featured our first ever “Fun Force Format” which was criss cross doubles and also offered double points! The event had a sensational turn out for our first doubles event. There was a total of 64 teams, 16 cashing teams and over $2,000.00 paid out in the main tournament. There was an additional 9 entries in the individual sweeper and combined with the individual high game pots, and brackets paid out another $381.00. I can’t tell you how much this blew our expectations out of the water for this event. We normally do a good job with starting on time, but we actually ran a little behind because of the huge turn out! I want to thank all of the SFT family for coming out and enjoying this event together, as well as all of the new members that also joined us for this event. The event drew 13 new members which I would like to welcome to the ever expanding SFT family.