TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

AMF Mesa Results - 10/14/2012


This weekend featured our first ever “Fun Force Format” which was criss cross doubles and also offered double points! The event had a sensational turn out for our first doubles event. There was a total of 64 teams, 16 cashing teams and over $2,000.00 paid out in the main tournament. There was an additional 9 entries in the individual sweeper and combined with the individual high game pots, and brackets paid out another $381.00. I can’t tell you how much this blew our expectations out of the water for this event. We normally do a good job with starting on time, but we actually ran a little behind because of the huge turn out! I want to thank all of the SFT family for coming out and enjoying this event together, as well as all of the new members that also joined us for this event. The event drew 13 new members which I would like to welcome to the ever expanding SFT family.

The bowlers bowled on a 40ft modified house shot, but it was very clear early on that it was very close to a traditional house shot. Our first squad had huge scores all over the place. First there was Ernie Mendoza who had the front 9 strikes and almost bowled a perfect game. However, there was a bowler the next game that would give it another run. David Kurlan, writer of our very own “Kurlan’s Kranky Korner,” succeeded shooting a perfect 300 game! You can watch the video of the final shot by clicking here. Congrats Dave!

I also want to give a quick congrats to those that cashed for the very first time in this event. Congrats to Roger Morsch, Chris Wheat, Anthony Bonkowske and Michael Bonkowske. It's not easy, and getting your first check makes all the other ones that much easier! Great bowling guys!

Although the event was a very low and affordable format, that didn’t stop the great payouts! All of the squad leaders were guaranteed $60.00 and the high mixed team for the tournament was guaranteed another $100. The first squad had some very high scores but the squad leaders were David Kurlan and Ben Dewberry shooting a HUGE SET of +329. This would be the score to reckon with for the rest of the day. After the first squad, the high mixed team was only plus +132, which were Ernie Mendoza and Lisa Hiller.

The 2nd squad had a little lower scoring pace but still allowed for a lot of striking. Our 2nd squad leaders were Kyle Karpovich and Roger Morsch. This was Roger’s first tournament, and he not only cashed but led his squad too! Great bowling guys! The high mixed team after the 2nd squad was still the same, Mr. Mendoza and Ms. Hiller still held strong at +132.

The 3rd squad was an interesting one. There was a bowler that crushed the 3rd squad but wasn’t even planning on bowling nor did she get any practice the for the 3rd squad. That bowling phenom is Lisa Hiller. Not only did Lisa bowl an incredible set, but she bowled her personal highest game ever of 247. She finished the squad at +175, won the squad leader bonus with Ben Spencer, and locked up the High Mixed Team bounty that she was already leading. Needless to say, in her 2nd tournament ever, she took care of business! Great bowling Lisa!

The event concluded with 64 total teams, the low to cash was +149 and the high mixed team finished at +297. Great bowling to everybody that cashed, and thanks to everyone that came out. If you are looking to get your double points and also have a great time bowling a fun affordable format, our next “Fun Force Format” will be the 40 frame game format on Black Friday at AMF Union Hills. The squads will be at 5pm, 7pm and 9pm.

As for our next event, it will be a standard event at Brunswick Tri-City Lanes on October 27th and 28th. The event will feature all of members favorite features like, Divisional Insurance, Senior & Women's Division, Economy Parlay, guaranteed prizes for first and second and much more! We look forward to seeing you all there!