TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7


AMF McRay - 7/14/19

Our event this weekend was at AMF McRay lanes and we had a HUGE turn out! In 3 squads we had 124 entries (51 parlay & 73 qualifying), 29 cashers, a 1 in 4.2 cash ratio and paid out over $5,000.00 in main and side event prize fund!  The players bowled on a 44ft London oil pattern that for the most part was pretty low scoring. There were a handful of players that really seemed to match up and bowl well on the longer oil pattern. The average cut scores were all around the +30 to +40 range which meant most players had to be close to their average or a few pins above it each game.

AMF McRay - 6/9/2019

The event today was at AMF McRay, we had 71 total entries with 41 qualifying and 30 economy parlay entries. The players bowled on the 38ft Winding Road oil pattern that yeilded medium to higher scores. The cut scores varied but averaged around +50 for the event, which meant it took bowlers bowling 10 pins over their average a game to make the cut. 

We want to welcome Harold Smith and Geoff Garrow to the SFT AHT family! Thanks to you guys for coming out and trying out the event, we hope you had a good time in your first event! 

The quarter finals were very low scoring, with one of the divisions taking minus to be the division champion! We had Bob Gazis coming out of the A division with +33, Kevin Dollar -3 in the C division and Dan Marks at +14. Which means the average leader actually bowled under their average to win their division. 

AMF McRay - 10/21/18

Our event this weekend was at AMF McRay and we had a great turnout.  We had 100 total entries (69 qualifying & 31 economy parlay) for 3 squads, with 27 prize winners and a 1 in 3.7 cash ratio.  We paid out over $5,300 in main and side event prize funds.  The players bowled on the 38ft Alcatraz oil pattern that was a very difficult pattern to play.  Players had trouble playing on the outside of the lane and there wasn’t a lot of margin of error when playing inside.  The key to doing well was leaving makeable spares and picking up spares.  Pair to pair there were some differences with oil carry down, but once the oil pattern started to break down in the 3rd squad, then scores increased a little with the average cut being around +40.

AMF McRay - 4/28/18

We had our event at AMF McRay this weekend and had a great turn out for a Saturday event! We had 107 total entries (73 qualifying entries & 34 economy parlay entries), 29 total cashers, a  1 in 3.68 cash ratio and paid out over $5,000.00 in main and side event prize fund. The players bowled on the newest version of the PBA Cheetah oil pattern that is 33ft instead of the traditional 35ft length. It is also flatter than before and it showed in the scores. This was the first event in quite some time that had cut scores and parlay winners that were minus. That means you could bowl well below your average and still cash or advance! That doesn’t happen too often.

AMF McRay - 01/07/18

Our event this weekend was at AMF McRay and had another good turnout.  We had 97 total entries (63 qualifying & 34 economy parlay) for 3 squads, 26 prize winners and a 1 in 3.6 cash ratio. The players bowled on the 43ft Dean Man’s Curve oil pattern that was a very difficult pattern to play. Players had trouble playing on the outside of the lane and there wasn’t a lot of margin of error when playing inside.  Pair to pair were big differences, but once the oil pattern started to break down in the 3rd squad, then scores went through the roof.  Congrats to Bob Hansen for shooting 300  and also to Sean Ashley for a nice 299 games!

We want to welcome Andre Sandoval, Jason Lowery and Herb Grassl to the SFT AHT family! We hope you guys all had a good time in your first SFT AHT event.  Congrats to Eric Flick and Marcus Boner on being this weekend’s parlay power players! Marcus took it the furthest turning his $25 into a $270 3rd place finish!