TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

Glenfair Lanes - 01/14/2018


Our event this weekend was at Glenfair Lanes and we had another good turn out with 88 total entries (56 qualifying and 32 economy parlay), 26 total cashers, a 1 in 3.4 cash ratio and paid out just over $4,000.00 in main and side event prize funds. We were also excited to pay out $650.00 for first place since there were enough qualifying entries! The players bowled on a pattern, that I don't think we have bowled on too much, the 41ft Kegel Turnpike. This pattern is a bit different in the fact that it is medium pattern and also Glenfair Lanes had replaced the lanes earlier in the year.  It challenged bowlers to be make shots consistently and pick up spares.

As always, we want to welcome our first-time bowlers to the SFT AHT family! Welcome Adrian Luna & Michael Frenak, to our little bowling family! We hope you had a good time at your first event and we look forward to seeing you at the next one! Also, congrats to Rene Sandoval and Eric Flick on advancing to the quarter finals through the economy parlay! We almost always have 1 bowler that advances by winning the parlay and bowling well again, but it's not often that we see three different people do it! Congrats! Nice bowling to everyone!

The quarter finals, like the rest of the event, was medium scoring with the standings pretty tight and being determined the final game of the quarters. In the A division, with only 7 players, we advanced to the top 2 which were Kyle Abbas and Sean Ashley. Kyle was the #1 seed and both players were looking for their 2nd title. In the B division, we had #1 seed Ben Spencer taking on up and comer Andy Morin. Lastly, in the C division we had #1 seed Bryton Bobbitt and Rene Sandoval.  The A division match was decided fairly early with Kyle staying clean to move past Sean. The B division match was also decided early with Andy Morin starting off hot with a 4 bagger in the 2nd frame to jump past Ben. The C division was fairly close between Bryton and Rene, but Bryton was able to string together a 6 bagger to run away with the win!

The final match was a bit of back and forth between Andy and Kyle, with Bryton struggling midway through the match.  Andy was staying clean and throwing a string of strikes to stay with Kyle.  Kyle was able to strike in the 10th frame to put pressure on Andy.  Andy needed to double in the 10th in order to win.  Andy’s 1st ball in the tenth hung just a little and wasn’t able to strike, giving Kyle his 2nd SFT AHT title and a nice $650.00 first place prize! Congrats to Andy Morin for 2nd place and Bryton Bobbitt on 3rd! Thanks to everyone that came out this weekend to make this event a success! We look forward to our next standard event on Saturday, January 20th at Via Linda Lanes!