TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

AMF Chandler Sweeper - 4/8/17


Our sweeper event had a great turn out for a Saturday! We averaged almost 20 bowlers per squad for a total of 56 entries. We paid out over $1,500.00 in main and side event prizefund. The players bowled on a very dry and hooking Shark pattern. While there were scores from all squads that cashed, the tournament winner led through all three squads. We also had a lot of new bowlers come out for their first event this weekend and some of them cashed as well. Congrats to Rick Barber, Brandon Watts, Dave Lloyd, Ron Goodnight Jr and Ron Goodnight Sr. on cashing in the event. A big congrats to Eric Flick on winning back to back events. He won our standard event at Burnswick Via Linda and followed it up by winning our fun Sweeper event to give him a very nice boost in the season points race! Check out the results below to see the rest of the cashers!