TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

Glenfair Lanes - 11/27/16


Our 2nd to last event was another great one! We had 89 total entries (61 qualifying entries & 28 economy parlay), 24 cashers, a 1 in 3.7 cash ratio and paid out over $4,000.00 in main and side event prizefund. The players bowled on a very tricky 35ft Kegel Boardwalk oil pattern that forced most players to have their break point near the gutter. While this pattern is normally high scoring, the difference from lane to lane really kept the scoring at more of a medium pace with most cut scores being around +60.

As always we had some more bowlers bowling in their first ever event this weekend. We'd like to welcome Phil Glass Jr and Clarence Sells. They are both new bowlers that came to check out the events thanks to some of our amazing regulars spreading the word. Big thanks to Phil Glass, Chad Clapp and Renee Sandoval on spreading the word about the events. It's been 4 years and nearly 200 tournaments since the SFT AHT ran it's first tournament and at 190 of those events we have had a new bowler which is incredible. That stat is 100% due to the incredible support and family that exists within the SFT AHT tournaments. There is no way a single person or a handful of people could accomplish that. It truly takes a large team and I can't thank the SFT AHT community enough for allowing me to pilot this club that has accomplished 190 of 200 events with a "first time" bowler.

As always we also had some parlay power players! Congrats to Jeremy Warren, Sean Warren, Correen Lieber, and Mike McWhorter who made it to the quarter finals through the $25 option. Mike has the chance to be the first player ever to win back to back events through the parlay. Mike won at AMF McRay through the economy parlay, and had a chance again at Glenfair. While Sean and Mike got eliminated after the first round, Correen made it to the semi's before getting defeated and Jeremy made it all the way to the final match. Congrats to everyone that had success through the $25 option. Also a special congrats to Sean Warren and Kyle Wakefield on advancing to their first ever SFT AHT quarter finals.

The semi-final matches had Correen Lieber taking on Shawna Strause in the B division, Jeremy Warren taking on Jerry Knight in the C division and Charlie Price vs Shawn Kearney in the A division. Correen and Shawna had a real back and forth with both players opening in the 10th frame which gave Shawna the win by a very small margin. Charlie was able to take down Shawn who has been bowling great but is coming up short in match play. Lastly, Jerry needed a double in the 10th to beat Jeremy but wasn't able to do so which gave Jeremy the win.

The final match was an exciting one. If you based it on how it started you would have guessed way wrong. The higher averaged player had the least amount of marks and the two lower averages were the only ones in the hunt. However, after a very clutch string of strikes near the end Charlie Price was able to just overtake Shawna Strause to win his 3rd SFT AHT title. Shawna was 2nd and Jeremy finished 3rd.

Thanks to everyone for coming out! We look forward to seeing everyone at our final event of the 2016 season at Brunswick Kyrene Lanes next Sunday! See you all there!