TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

AMF McRay Results - 02/02/2013


Another hysterically fun and eventful SFT AHT event has concluded. This weekend we had a fun force format and used a format that we have never done before. The players bowled in a baker doubles format that was really loved by everyone. This format has two players bowl one score by alternating frames for the entire game! We had nearly 50 members come out generating 39 team entries, 10 cashing teams, a 1 in 4 cash ratio and a total prize fund of over $1,400.00! I want to thank everyone that came out and supported this event! It was a lot of fun and we are already looking forward to doing another event like this in the future.

The players bowled on a pretty soft lane condition called Stone Street. It is a 42ft Kegel recreational oil pattern. The players were able to play the condition at multiple angles and pretty much all styles were able to find the pocket. The first squad was led by Chuck Kremer and Wes Marema at +191. Keep in mind that the players were bowling 4 games instead of the usual 3. The second squad was our big one with 38 members and 19 teams being on the floor at once! This squad left the Huglin brothers, Zach and Chris, atop the leader board with a huge +258. This squad also had a 300 game bowled on it! That feat was done by William Nedry and Teri Hamilton! Congrats guys! I’m sure it is incredibly rewarding to bowl a perfect game with a teammate! The leaders of the last squad were Chuck Kremer and Chris Huglin but they weren’t able to top the previous score by the Huglin brothers.

This left our tournament champions being Zach and Chris Huglin at +258, our mixed team bounty winners William Nedry and Teri Hamilton with +248, and the low to cash team being Ron Gonzales and Ben Dewberry at +130.

Thanks again to everyone that came out and if you are itching for another doubles event we will have criss cross doubles on Saturday night at Cliff Castle Casino! We look forward to seeing you all up in Camp Verde for our big Valentine’s Day weekend!