TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

AMF Chandler Results - 8/16/2015


We had another fun weekend of bowling at AMF Chandler lanes this Sunday! The event drew 80 entries (51 qualifying, 29 economy parlay), had 23 cashers, a 1 in 3.5 cash ratio and paid out over $3,000.00 in main and side event prizefund. The players bowled on a custom 36ft SFT Sahara oil pattern that was one of the highest scoring patterns we have ever used. The members are used to the lanes being fairly difficult most of the time, so we surprised them with a higher scoring condition this Sunday. There is also a skill required to stay focused when it is easy to strike, and this weekend's conditions really tested that skill for the bowlers. We had two perfect games bowled, and a 298! The perfect scores were from Shane Valleau and Brad Van Sickle. Shane's 300 was with a Track ball, which thanks to our sponsor, Track bowling products, he gets a free Track ball for doing so. He was using the Lx05, which is one of his favorite balls on shorter patterns. Congrats Shane! 

We want to welcome Shaun Goulding, Dan Quilt, William Jackson, and Justin Newkirk to the SFT AHT family! We are always grateful that we have new bowlers at every single event! Also a special congrats to Shaun Golding for advancing to the quarter finals in his very first SFT AHT event! We also want to congratulate all three parlay winners for advancing to the quarter finals through the parlay. Those players were Shane Valleau, Daniel Scott and Bryan Van Sickle. Bryan actually ended up parlaying it all the way to the finals! Nice bowling guys! 

The qualifying and the quater finals was all very high scoring. There was a real battle to make the cut and to advance to the final match. Bryan Van Sickle was the A division champion, Brad Van Sickle the B division champion and Tim Coogler the C division champion. This meant that all three players were bowling in their first SFT AHT title match in a very long time with a couple of them bowling in their first title match period.

It was also a SFT AHT first to have two brothers squaring off in the final match. The only way for the final match to be even more competitive then it normally is, is to add a little sibling rivalry to it. Bryan and Brad are both great bowlers and it was clear it was going to be a slug fest between team Van Sickle. After some slight back and forth Brad was able to take the lead and keep it over little brother Bryan and Tim Coogler giving him his first ever SFT AHT title and $1,000.00! Congrats Brad!

Final Match: 

SFT AHT Standard - AMF Chandler Lanes