TAT Summer Classic! $25k 1st! SFT Group Discounts & Benefits! 6/30-7/7

Bowlero Via Linda

Bowlero Via Linda - 11/22/20

This weekend’s event was at Bowlero Via Linda for a 2 squad event and had a great turnout with all the other tournaments going on in the Valley this weekend.  The event drew 89 total entries (57 qualifying and 32 economy parlay), had 28 cashers, a 1 in 3.2 cash ratio and paid out over $5,300.00 in main and side event prize funds. The players bowled on a 37ft Melbourne oil pattern that was higher scoring on the fresh pattern, but got a lot tighter as the day went on.  We haven’t bowled on this pattern before, but the key was to get your ball into a roll and play a little straighter along the track.  Those that could do that were able to take advantage of the pattern.  We would see Dylan Taylor shoot an impressive 299 game, just coming up a bit short of 300, but great bowling Dylan!!   The average cut scores for the weekend were medium with bowlers just needing to get their average for all three games to make the cut.

Bowlero Via Linda - 9/13/20

Our event this weekend was at Bowlero Via Linda and we had a nice turnout considering all the events going on this weekend.  We had a PBA regional, JBT and the CBE tournaments also going on, but we’re thankful for everyone that came out to support our 2 squad event.  We had 74 total entries (44 qualifying and 30 parlays), 20 cashers, 1 in 3.7 cash ratio and paid out over $3,700.00 in main and side event prize funds! The players bowled on a 40ft Athens pattern that was very misleading.  Many of the bowlers would think they had it figured out and then the lanes would change quickly.  Because the pattern wasn't very long or very short, it allowed players to attack it from all angles.  We had straighter players do well and players that like to cover more boards and curve it more.  We saw some higher scores than the grind fest of last weekend’s major.

Bowlero Via Linda - 1/5/20

Our season opener of 2020 was an awesome one! We were at Bowlero Via Linda and we had 100 entries, 27 cashers, 1 in 3.8 cash ratio and paid out over $4,000.00 in main and side event prize fund! The players bowled on a 40ft Athens pattern that was very misleading.  Many of the bowlers would think they had it figured out and had a good shot and then they would move pairs and find it hard to find that same shot again.  Because the pattern wasn't very long or very short, it allowed players to attack it from all angles.  We had straighter players do well and players that like to cover more boards and curve it more. It was a great turnout and a lot of fun in our season opener.